Supportive Housing
The staff at C.T. Male Associates are dedicated to serving our community, and one way that we do that is by designing quality, sustainable communities and supportive housing for people to live and work. This work is currently focused on multi-family housing. Multi-family housing defines a spectrum of apartment and dormitory style living that can come with government support through regulation and financing.
The primary housing types we serve include:
- Affordable housing
- Market rate housing
- Developmental disabilities
- Supportive/transitional community residential housing
- Mental health
- Substance abuse
Affordable Supportive Housing Options
Multi-family housing is critical for the health of our communities and the restoration and preservation of individual dignity. This is accomplished by providing equitable, accessible housing options integrated with our neighborhoods and institutions. If you are a not-for-profit or developer, working on renovation or new construction projects for your organization, please contact the professionals at C.T. Male Associates for assistance.
The services that C.T. Male Associates’ staff provide to this supportive housing market sector include:
- Feasibility Services:
- Assistance with applicable property identification
- Zoning review
- Desktop environmental assessments
- Pre-Design Services:
- Grant identification and grant application preparation
- Boundary and topographic survey
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
- Remedial investigation and remedial design (if needed)
- Hazardous materials assessment (if existing structures)
- Structural assessment (if existing structures)
- Cultural resources assessment (if needed)
- Wetland delineation
- Design Services:
- Architectural design
- Civil and site design
- Local site plan submission and SEQR
- Structural Design
- Building Systems Design
- Grant Administration
- Construction observation and administration