NYSDEC Recently Issued a New Environmental Audit Policy – Find out more information here
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) recently issued a new Environmental Audit Incentive Policy intended to assist businesses, local governments and other regulated entities better protect the environment and prevent pollution. The new policy is in effect as of November 18, 2013.
The policy offers various incentives to businesses, local governments and other entities to audit their operations in order to prevent future violations. Specifically, the policy can waive the majority of civil penalties for violations that are discovered and disclosed voluntarily, or discovered during pollution prevention/compliance assistance activities.
The policy offers additional incentives to entities that perform environmental audits, practice systematic environmental management or add pollution prevention activities to their operations. The highest level of incentives, which include recognition and priority for technical and financial assistance from New York State, would be available to parties that enter into an audit agreement and make a formal, long-term commitment to environmental management and pollution prevention by entering NYSDEC’s “New York Environmental Leaders” program.
The environmental audit policy can be viewed at http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/93791.html. C.T. Male Associates’ Environmental Services Division staff routinely assists our clients with environmental, health and safety auditing; compliance management programs; and developing pollution prevention activities. To speak with one of our staff Engineers knowledgeable about auditing practices, please contact Joe Farron at 518-786-7471 or [email protected].