E-Manifests — Electronic Hazardous Waste Manifests are Here
The EPA has developed a national electronic manifest (e-Manifest) system for the EPAs uniform hazardous waste manifest. The new hazardous waste manifest will be an electronic version of the paper manifests and launched on June 30th, 2018.
EPA is encouraging the use of the new electronic manifest. Paper copies of hazardous waste manifests can still be used after June 30, 2018; but be aware a new 5-page EPA manifest will be used after that date and not the 6-page one currently in use.
Under this new e-Manifest Act, EPA will collect user fees for use of e-manifest assessed per manifest to the receiving facility. A hazardous waste manifest taken in at the receiving facility will be assessed a fee, paper or electronic versions.
Generators are not currently required to have an account in the e-manifest system; however, use of the system does require an account. Also, if you wanted to track or retrieve data on shipments, an account would be needed. Additional information can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/e-manifest
If you have questions on the e-manifest system please call Nancy Garry, P.E., C.S.P. at 518-786-7400.