Brittany Winslow Completes EPA Method 9 Opacity Test Certification
The C.T. Male Associates Environmental Services Division continually strives to meet our clients’ regulatory needs. As such, we recently sent Brittany Winslow, Junior Environmental Scientist, to Syracuse, NY to complete EPA Method 9 Opacity Test certification for testing required by the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Many stationary sources discharge visible emissions into the atmosphere, which often take the shape of a plume. Visible emissions are the visible particulate matter that occurs as the result of a wide range of processes. Such processes may involve smoke exiting a stack at a commercial or industrial facility, smoke exiting a chimney from a fireplace or kiln, or dust produced from driving down a gravel road. Opacity is the degree to which the transmission of light is reduced by such a plume, and is typically measured over a 6-minute averaging period.
Visible emissions at commercial and industrial sites are frequently regulated to meet federal, state or municipal air quality standards. Many permits require a certified visual observer to perform an EPA Method 9 Opacity Test annually. To speak with someone in the Environmental Services Division concerning Method 9 Opacity Testing, please contact Brittany Winslow via our quick and easy contact form or directly at (518) 786-7429 or [email protected]. You can also contact Joe Farron at (518) 786-7471 or [email protected].