C.T. Male Associates’ ‘We CAN Show You The World’ Canstructure Came in 1st Place for Best Use of Labels
C.T. Male Associates’ ‘We CAN Show You The World’ Canstructure came in 1st place for Best Use of Labels in our 2019 International Competition! We are so proud of our amazing in house team that design and create these amazing structures!

Canstruction, Inc. is a U.S. 501(c)3 nonprofit charity known worldwide for our signature, trademarked CanSculptures® built entirely out of unopened cans of food.
Since 1992, Canstruction® has raised nearly 70 million pounds of food for local hunger relief organizations. Each year, 10,000+ volunteers participate in Canstruction events in over 150 cities around the world. After each event, our awe-inspiring Can Art® goes on public display before the food is donated to local food banks.
Canstruction events are held in the Australia, Canada, Central America, China, Europe, New Zealand, South America, South Korea, Turkey, United States, and more.