Village of Red Hook, New York
Village Sanitary Sewer Project
C.T. Male Associates was hired by the Village of Red Hook, Dutchess County in 2005 to assist the Village in assessing the need and feasibility of installing a municipal sanitary sewer system. Although the Village is densely developed, there is no public sanitary sewer system in the area. This lack of sewer infrastructure results in sub-standard septic systems with limit growth and economic development.
C.T. Male Associates worked with the Village in the 2000s and early 2010s to determine the most feasible boundary for the sewer district, the most feasible type of collection system and wastewater treatment option. During this time, C.T. Male Associates drafted sewer feasibility studies and Map, Plans and Report for different options. The final sewer district, as voted on by residents, includes 155 parcels within the Village’s central business district bounded by Routes 9 and 199. After the district was formed, C.T. Male Associates was successful in assisting the Village in obtaining funding from USDA Rural Water and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund through NYSEFC. This funding provides a 25% project value grant from NYSEFC and low interest loans from USDA for the remainder of the work.
In 2016, C.T. Male Associates began the phase of design for the sewer project. The sewer collection system is a septic tank effluent pump (STEP) system discharging to a package wastewater treatment plant. The STEP system includes septic tanks with effluent pumps (either simplex or duplex depending on the property’s use) that pump effluent to a forcemain collection system. The STEP system was chosen as it provides flexibility for expansion and by providing primary settling in the septic tanks, allows for the WWTP to be smaller in size. The Village will own and maintain the STEP systems through easements on private property and C.T. Male Associates prepared 135 easement maps for this project. The package wastewater treatment plant is rated for 50,000 gpd average flow and will be sited near an existing package WWTP installed 20 years ago for a private development. The new WWTP will be a biologically engineered single sludge treatment plant that contains in a welded steel structure an anoxic compartment, two clarifiers and two aeration compartments, followed by a filter and UV disinfection. C.T. Male Associates’ design task included preparation of a Basis of Design Report, topographic, utility and boundary survey of the sewer district area, preparation of conceptual and final engineering plans, WWTP design including structural, electrical and mechanical design. Bid documents were prepared for the project and cover the rigorous USDA and NYSEFC funding requirements.
C.T. Male Associates’ design task included preparation of a Basis of Design Report, topographic, utility and boundary survey of the sewer district area, preparation of conceptual and final engineering plans, WWTP design including structural, electrical and mechanical design. Bid documents were prepared for the project and cover the rigorous USDA and NYSEFC funding requirements.